About the Somali Community e.V. 

Founded on May 1992, our organization is a community-driven initiative based in Munich, Germany. For over three decades, we have been dedicated to supporting the Somali community and beyond, helping individuals and families navigate life in Germany while staying connected to their cultural roots.

We believe that integration and cultural identity should go hand in hand. That’s why our work focuses on empowerment, education, and social support, ensuring that people from all backgrounds have access to opportunities, guidance, and a sense of belonging.

Our Network & Collaborations

Our organization is not just local—we are part of a wider network of Somali and multicultural organizations across Germany and internationally. Through our partnerships, we provide a strong support system for migrants, refugees, and anyone seeking community, mentorship, and professional growth.

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to create an inclusive and supportive community where individuals, especially those from migrant backgrounds, can thrive, grow, and contribute to society. We believe in:

  1. Empowerment through education, job opportunities, and skill-building
  2. Social support for migrants and refugees in navigating life in Germany
  3. Youth development through mentorship, sports, and community projects
  4. Cultural preservation, ensuring that traditions remain a source of strength and identity

Preventing marginalization by addressing issues such as discrimination, identity struggles, and social isolation

What We Offer

Through a variety of programs, we aim to make a difference in the lives of our members:

Education & Career Support – Language courses, academic tutoring, job application training.
Social Integration Assistance – Help with administrative procedures, residency rights, and social benefits.
Youth & Community Programs – Sports, workshops, and mentoring for personal development.
Cultural Events & Religious Support – Festivals, community gatherings, and faith-based education.
Crime & Radicalization Prevention – Workshops and awareness programs to support young people in making positive life choices.

An Inclusive Community

While we have a strong focus on supporting the Somali community, we believe in unity and diversity. Our doors are open to everyone, regardless of nationality, background, or faith. We welcome all who seek guidance, connection, and personal growth.

By working together, we can build a stronger, more inclusive society where every individual feels valued, heard, and empowered.

Xubin Noqo – Kaalay oo Nagu Soo Biir!

Waxaan kugu martiqaadaynaa inaad xubin ka noqoto ururkeenna si aan si wadajir ah uga shaqeyno taageerada, horumarka, iyo isku-xirka bulshada! Qof walba wuu soo biiri karaa, ha ahaato qof Soomaali ah ama qof kale oo raba inuu gacan ka geysto dhismaha bulsho mideysan oo wadajir ah.

Maxaad ka faa'iideysaa haddii aad xubin noqoto?
✅ Hel taageero la xiriirta arrimaha socdaalka, shaqo raadinta, iyo waxbarashada
✅ Ka qeybgal barnaamijyo is-dhexgal bulsho iyo xaflado dhaqameed
✅ Hel fursado tababar iyo cilmi kororsi
✅ Noqo qeyb ka mid ah shabakad ballaaran oo heer qaran iyo caalami ah

Sidee Xubin Ku Noqon Kartaa?
1️⃣ Buuxi foomka hoose ee codsiga xubinnimada
2️⃣ La xiriir kooxdeena si aad u hesho faahfaahin dheeraad ah
3️⃣ Ka qeybgal kulammada iyo howlaha ururka


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Telefon: +49 176 25478981

E-mail: somalicommunityev0@gmail.com

Goobta: München, Deutschland


  • Mo – Fr
    • 09:00 am – 04:00 pm
  • Sa – So
    • Geschlossen

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