Welcome To Somali Community e.V.

We are committed to supporting the Somali community in Germany. Promoting intercultural dialogue. 

Join us on the     journey towards integration and community.

History, Culture, and Global Presence

The Somali community e.V originates from Somalia, a country located in the Horn of Africa, which has a long history and a unique cultural identity. Somalis are ethnically and linguistically homogenous, with the Somali language being their mother tongue. This language belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family and is spoken by millions of people worldwide.

Traditionally, Somalia was home to large nomadic communities who moved across the vast deserts and steppes. This nomadic lifestyle deeply shaped Somali culture, particularly the strong sense of family and clan, which still plays a central role today. Clan structures are of great importance in Somali society, often influencing social relationships, political affiliations, and economic activities.

The religion of Somalis is predominantly Islam, with most Somalis belonging to the Sunni branch of Islam. Religious practices and holidays, such as fasting during Ramadan, are key aspects of daily life and community.

Due to conflicts and political instability in Somalia over the past few decades, especially following the outbreak of the civil war in the 1990s, many Somalis have fled their homeland and now live in various countries worldwide, particularly in Europe, North America, and the Middle East. This diaspora has created a significant Somali presence in cities like London, Minneapolis, Toronto, and Nairobi.

In many of the countries they now reside in, Somalis often strive to preserve their cultural traditions while also attempting to integrate into the broader society. They actively engage in various fields, such as education, business, and social integration, and contribute to the diversity and intercultural dialogue of their communities. Despite the challenges of migration and adaptation, the Somali community remains strongly interconnected globally and often participates in initiatives aimed at promoting the well-being of its members.

Our Highlights

Learn more about the key initiatives and programs of our organization.

Integration and Social Support

Our organization helps Somali migrants and refugees navigate life in Germany. This includes providing advice and support with administrative procedures, residency rights, social benefits, and healthcare. We offer translation assistance and accompany community members to important appointments to facilitate their integration.

Our community is open to everyone! While we focus on supporting Somali migrants and refugees, our doors are open to all who seek guidance, connection, and a sense of belonging. Join us in building a more inclusive and supportive society!

Youth Empowerment and Social Projects

Many young Somalis in Germany face challenges such as identity conflicts or discrimination. Our organization offers targeted programs to support them:

  1. Sports and recreational activities to strengthen community and self-confidence
  2. Mentoring programs and workshops on topics like career planning and personal development
  3. Prevention work against violence, crime, and radicalization

Education and Labor Market Integration

We are committed to ensuring that Somali children and adults have access to education and job opportunities. Our programs include:

  1. Language courses (German for beginners and advanced learners)
  2. Tutoring and academic support for students
  3. Job application training and employment assistance for adults
  4. Support in the recognition of foreign qualifications


Preserving Cultural 


While integration is essential, we also promote the preservation of Somali culture and identity. Our organization organizes:

  1. Cultural events and celebrations (e.g., Somali Independence Day, Eid festivities)
  2. Community gatherings to pass on traditions and values
  3. Religious support, such as prayer spaces and Islamic education

Xubin Noqo – Kaalay oo Nagu Soo Biir!

Waxaan kugu martiqaadaynaa inaad xubin ka noqoto ururkeenna si aan si wadajir ah uga shaqeyno taageerada, horumarka, iyo isku-xirka bulshada! Qof walba wuu soo biiri karaa, ha ahaato qof Soomaali ah ama qof kale oo raba inuu gacan ka geysto dhismaha bulsho mideysan oo wadajir ah.

Maxaad ka faa'iideysaa haddii aad xubin noqoto?
✅ Hel taageero la xiriirta arrimaha socdaalka, shaqo raadinta, iyo waxbarashada
✅ Ka qeybgal barnaamijyo is-dhexgal bulsho iyo xaflado dhaqameed
✅ Hel fursado tababar iyo cilmi kororsi
✅ Noqo qeyb ka mid ah shabakad ballaaran oo heer qaran iyo caalami ah

Sidee Xubin Ku Noqon Kartaa?
1️⃣ Buuxi foomka hoose ee codsiga xubinnimada
2️⃣ La xiriir kooxdeena si aad u hesho faahfaahin dheeraad ah
3️⃣ Ka qeybgal kulammada iyo howlaha ururka


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